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Found 1983 results for any of the keywords per ounce. Time 0.007 seconds.
Gold Prices Per Ounce Today - Gold Price OZGold prices per ounce is a free service offered by, that shows Current Gold Price(including Bid price, Ask price and Day's fluctuation range) and Gold Price History Charts(London gold fixing price).
Current Gold Price Chart - Spot Gold Price Per OunceGet free current gold price charts, latest price of gold, spot gold price per ounce.
Gold Price OZ - Current Gold Prices Per OunceGold Price OZ - a site devoted to bringing you the latest gold price per ounce, per gram and per kilogram in major currencies, that are updated every minute.
Gold Price History - Gold Price OZGold prices history is a fully free service which is provided by the Gold Price OZ website. It shows gold price history charts (London gold fixing price) per ounce, per gram and per kilo in the majority of currencies.
Current Gold Price Chart - Gold Price OZGold Price Chart shares history gold price per ounce, per gram and per kilo in the majority of currencies; it also shares gold price charts for the past 6 hours, 24 hours, 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, 1, 2, 5, and 10 year
Palladium Price OZ - Current Palladium Prices Per OunceLike gold and silver precious metals, Palladium (currency code: XPD) can be made of palladium jewelry, also can be as an investment product. Consequently, the price of Palladium is extremely important for a Palladium inv
Platinum Price OZ - Current Platinum Prices Per OuncePlatinum (currency code: XPT) can be made of platinum jewelry, also can be as an investment product. Though it has a much shorter history in the financial sector than either gold or silver, the price of Platinum is much
Silver Price OZ - Current Silver Prices Per OunceSilver (currency code: XAG), like gold and other precious metals, is an investment product that is considered as a store of value. Consequently, the price of silver is extremely important for silver investors.
Gold Price Today | Price of Gold Per Ounce | 24 Hour Spot Chart | KITCLive Gold Charts and Gold Spot Price from International Gold Markets, Prices from New York, London, Hong Kong and Sydney provided by Kitco.
Technical Analysis - HowTheMarketWorksGold is currently trading at $1,215.85 per ounce, up 0.96% or $11.55. The precious metal has gained 6.40% over the past 30-day period, up $72.40. For the year to date, gold is up 4.7%, and it has an average return of 10.
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